About me

ww_photoWendy Siuyi Wong is a full professor in the Department of Design at York University, Toronto, Canada. She is an internationally recognized expert in Chinese comic art and the history of graphic design. Her book, Hong Kong Comics: A History of Manhua (2002), published by Princeton Architectural Press, has established her as an authority in these fields. She is frequently invited by esteemed publishers to review manuscripts and to serve as an external examiner for doctoral dissertations worldwide that focus on these topics.

In her most recent co-edited book with John A Lent and Benjamin Wai–ming Ng, Transnationalism in East and Southeast Asian Comics Art (2022), the team explores various aspects of transnationalism and comics art in six East Asian and seven Southeast Asian countries. Her latest monograph, The Disappearance of Hong Kong in Comics, Advertising and Graphic Design (2018), published by Palgrave Macmillan, uses the city as a case study to explore the potential of comics, advertising, and graphic design to offer a transnational understanding of contemporary visual cultures.

Dr. Wong's expertise in the history of Chinese graphic design has led to her contributions to The Phaidon Archive of Graphic Design (2012) and the Bloomsbury Encyclopedia of Design (2016). She was a contributor and regional editor for the Greater China Region for the Encyclopedia of East Asian Design (2020). She served as a member of the Editorial Board for the Journal of Design History from 2012 to 2017. She completed her term as Associate Editor for Design and Culture: The Journal of the Design Studies Forum in 2022.

Her latest research interests focus on developing her expertise in Transnational and Identities Studies to contribute to self-decolonization and decolonization strategies for research-creation exploration. She is investigating transnational Asian art and diasporic Asian identities through storytelling, creative making, digital technology, and generative AI to better understand their complexities and connections in both contemporary and historical contexts.

[Full CV available upon request: Email]

Address  |  Dept. of Design, York University
4008 Victor Phillip Dahdaleh Building,
4700 Keele Street, Toronto, ON M3J 1P3, Canada
email | wsywong@yorku.ca